


Breakfast Briefing Booklet: 25 Editions

India Foundation conducts a monthly briefing for Ambassadors of foreign missions called “Breakfast Briefings.” During these briefings, senior thought leaders from the Government and Civil Society brief diplomats on India’s position on contemporary issues, followed by further interaction over breakfast. India Foundation has completed a series of 25 Breakfast Briefings to date. Senior diplomats from more than 80 foreign missions and UN agencies present in India attend these briefings regularly.

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A Compendium of Atal Bihari Vajpayee Memorial Lectures throughout the years

"The Leader Par Excellence" is a Compendium of Atal Bihari Vajpayee Memorial Lectures throughout the years. It is a tribute to the enduring legacy of one of India's most revered statesmen, Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee. Prepared on the occasion of the 7th annual lecture, this compilation brings together the rich and insightful discourse delivered by eminent personalities over the years. Each lecture reflects upon Vajpayee's visionary leadership, his contributions to Indian democracy, and his unwavering commitment to nation-building. This compendium not only serves as a source of inspiration but also as a testament to his ideals, encouraging thoughtful dialogue on issues close to his heart and shaping India's future trajectory.

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Exploring Consciousness: Non-Duality to Non-Locality

The contents of the book reflect the presentations and discussions held at the first International Conference on Exploring Consciousness, the Man-Machine Debate, From Non Duality to Non Locality held on 22-24 September, 2022 at the National Institute of Mental Health and Neurological Sciences (NIMHANS), at Bangalore, India, at the initiative of the India Foundation, with support from the Ministry of AYUSH, the Indian Council of Philosophical Research and the Federation of Karnataka Chambers of Commerce & Industry. Consciousness is primary for all the experiences in life. The endeavour to understand the origin and nature of consciousness is becoming a mature science. The latter is showing its immense potential application across human endeavours, ranging from fundamental research to clinical applications, ethnics, business, technology and marketing at large for individual and collective well-being. Thus, exchanging and debating information and ideas in this vast domain is of major importance to the scientific community and to society. The purpose of this exercise is to bring together some of the most eminent researchers and inventors in the area of physics, biology, neuroscience, artificial intelligence, cybernetics, quantum computing and allied fields as well as scholars and spiritual teachers of the main Indic spiritual and psychological disciplines and doctrines. This book aims to build bridges and work towards a consensus between scientists, technologists, sociologists, spiritual and philosophical scholars from Indian/Asian and Western traditions.

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Vision Sagar: Indian Air Force in the Indian Ocean

Analyses the historic relationship between the Indian Ocean and India. Long before seafaring developed in the limited Aegean waters, oceanic navigation had become common with the coastal people of peninsular India.

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Xi's China

Xi's China is a seminal piece of work by Edel Secondat, which takes stock of 2010-2020 from a sociologist's viewpoint to show a society in flux. Much has been written about the transformation that has taken place in China, especially of the infrastructure that has been developed, but the author argues that there is much more happening in China that needs to be recorded and understood. Digitisation has transformed society to the extent that a new nation is breaking ground.

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UNCLOS: Solutions for Managing the Maritime Global Commons

Explores how the United Nations Convention on the Laws of the Sea (UNCLOS) could provide solutions for managing the maritime global commons. The book also provides an ideal example of how extremely complex maritime disputes between India, Bangladesh and Myanmar were resolved in the Bay of Bengal.

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Geopolitics of Himalayan Region

This book is truly ambitious, as it attempts to take a holistic look on all the three key dimensions impacting the region - Cultural, Political and Strategic - making it a pioneering effort in studying the region beyond the myopic prism of bilateral relations. Elucidating contributions on various critical issues from practitioners and experts par excellence lends greater credibility and efficacy in understanding the immense possibilities that the region offers - from being the hotbed of intense competition to an exemplar of political and economic cooperation, supported by a complex web of religious-cultural and civilisational linkages.

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India's foreign policy

The book “India’s Foreign Policy: Towards Resurgence” is a compilation of the talks by eminent personalities in a Foreign Policy Workshop conducted by India Foundation in February 2018. This edited volume traces the roots of India’s Foreign Policy, from the times of Chanakya to the present day and offers a holistic understanding of the factors that have shaped its growth. It expounds on the transformation in policy over the last few years wherein it has become more bold, proactive, innovative and ambitious, with ‘Samman’, ‘Samriddhi’, ‘Suraksha’, ‘Sanskriti’ and ‘Sabyatha’; now being the driving forces around it. Covering a vast swathe, it delves on India’s strategic concerns, economic growth, soft power and relations with the neighbourhood and the world.

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Global Terrorism

Terrorism and violent extremism are the results of critical and complex socio-political disorders. While counter-radiacalisation work is vital in minimizing the threat of extremism, the struggle is ultimately ideological. Today, terrorist groups and non-state actors are continually evolving their modes of operation and devising increasingly complex ways to carry out their heinous acts with deadlier consequences. The use of technology, information and social media as well as the nexus between terrorist networks, non-state actors and transnational criminals pose newer challenges to the state operatives and the traditional approaches to terrorism.

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Terrorism Today

This book delves into different aspects of terrorism, as analysed by some of the most experienced global practitioners in the field of counter terrorism. Besides Indian concerns, it analyses terrorism in other parts of the world and its connections with other illegal activities, and suggests remedial measures.

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Terrorism in Indian Ocean Region

This book is a compendium of the proceedings of the third Counter Terrorism Conference organised by India Foundation and the Government of Haryana (CTC 2017) with focus on terrorism in the Indian Ocean Region. As in the earlier two conferences organised by India Foundation, CTC 2017 brought together a galaxy of political and thought leaders from India and across the world to highlight various aspects of the subject. The book highlights how countries across the region are handling counter terrorism. The approaches may differ, but they aim to achieve the same result. Most importantly, what comes out clearly is the fact that terrorism can no longer be viewed as a problem of any one affected country; because of its global ramifications, it has to be fought as a joint regional and global effort. The radicalisation of sections of the population, the steps needed to counter its spread and also de-radicalise those affected populations have been emphasised in this volume. Fighting the scourge of terrorism would perforce have to be a united effort encompassing many fronts. States that use terrorism as an instrument of state policy would need to be addressed to eliminate it.

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