Announcements |
March 11, 2016

Call for Papers – National Seminar on Hindu Law

Centre for Constitutional and Legal Studies, India Foundation and Indian Council for Philosophical Research are jointly organizing the National Seminar on Hindu Law on 16-18th May, 2016  at New Delhi. The seminar seeks to bring together practitioners, academicians and students in the field of law to discuss various such contemporary issues and challenges in Indian Hindu Law and will also seek to initiate deliberations which mark the way ahead.

Full academic papers are invited from scholars, thinkers, academics and practitioners of Hindu Law and allied discipline.

The Seminar will focus on the following four broad themes and subthemes therein:

  1. Evolution of Hindu Law
  2. Matrimony and Hindu Law
  3. New Challenges to Hindu Law
  4. Identifying and Addressing Existing Loopholes

Evolution of Hindu Law

Before we understand Hindu law in the present context, it is important to trace its evolution over several millennia. Under this theme, participants will look at the texts and traditions, schools of jurisprudence and rules of interpretation applicable to Hindu Law.

Matrimony and Hindu Law

Norms related to marriage and divorce have undergone a drastic change in our country. In this theme, we analyse matrimonial laws and related issues like adoption and custody of child in case of a divorce.

New Challenges to Hindu Law

Under this theme, the aim is to locate gender justice jurisprudence and rights of senior citizens in Hindu Law. We also evaluate the relevance of Hindu Undivided Family in the present day and age.

Identifying and Addressing Existing Loopholes

There are several practical challenges in the implementation of Hindu Law and a need to reconcile it with other personal laws of India. In this theme, we look at how Hindu Law works in multiple jurisdictions and search for a new paradigm of dispute resolution in personal law matters.

Submission Guidelines:

  1. Submissions are to be made in electronic form only and are to be sent
  2. Each article must be accompanied by an abstract of not more than 300 words.
  3. The word limit for the papers is set at 3000 words (inclusive of footnotes).
  4. Articles as well as their respective abstracts must be submitted before 30th March 2016. Acceptance of articles shall be intimated within two days of receipt.
  5. Co–authorship is allowed (maximum of 2 authors).
  6. Submission must contain a covering letter indicating the name of the author(s), name of the institution, e-mail id and contact number.
  7. By submitting an article, the author is presumed to undertake that the article is an original work and has not been submitted, accepted or published elsewhere.
  8. Articles found plagiarized will be summarily rejected.
  9. Authors of the selected papers would be required to present at the seminar.
  10. In case of co-authored papers, only one author would be permitted to make the presentation.

Formatting Guidelines:

  1. All submissions must follow the Bluebook system of citation.
  2. Submissions must be in Times New Roman with font size 12 and line spacing 1.5
  3. Footnotes must be in Times New Roman with font size 10 and line spacing 1.
  4. Submissions may be made in .doc/.docx/.odt formats only.

Contact Details:

1. Guru Prakash
Research Associate
India Foundation
+91 7838613441

2. Apurv Kumar Mishra
Research Associate, India Foundation
+91 8800775261

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