Announcements |
September 19, 2017

Conference on UNCLOS: Solutions for managing the Maritime Global Commons

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India Foundation is hosting a Conference on UNCLOS: Solutions for managing the Maritime Global Concerns on 4-6 October 2017 in Port Blair, Andaman & Nicobar Islands.

Maritime issues have emerged as one of the most important security issues in the Indo-Pacific, driving major powers to strategically adjust their policies towards the region. During the past decade, maritime disputes have escalated to the point where the regional order is being affected and the risk of subsequent armed conflict cannot be entirely ruled out. By providing a framework for the regulation of all activities related to the uses of the oceans and seas, UNCLOS strengthens peace, security, cooperation and friendly relations among all States. The UNCLOS Conference will discuss on the following themes

Enduring legitimacy of UNCLOS & its continuing vitality in 21st century.

Role of UNCLOS in facilitating peaceful settlements of disputes: A case of harmonious maritime dispute resolution-India, Bangladesh & Myanmar.

Growing problems of non-compliance with UNCLOS: Analyzing imbroglio in South China Sea.

Maritime Security architecture in the Indo-Pacific region to maintain Freedom of Navigation under UNCLOS.

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