Event Reports |
February 28, 2012

USCIRF’s Criticism of India: Ill- informed and Prejudiced

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USCIRF’s Criticism of India: Ill- informed and Prejudiced is a report published by the India Foundation is a rejoinder to the 2011 report of the United States Commission for International Religious Freedom. Upon a detailed reading of the 2011 report of the USCIRF as regards India, it was found that the Commission clearly singles out the BJP and the RSS as perpetrators of communal violence, especially against religious minorities. It was found that the Commission seemed to have glossed over many other riots, including those of the Congress party workers against the Sikh community, in addition to stating erroneous statistics, which seemed to be shockingly cavalier.

With inputs from P.N. Benjamin, Ms. Nirmala Sitharaman and Lakshmi Kanta Das, this report written by researchers at India Foundation in February 2012, was a comprehensive point to point rejoinder to every detail in USCIRF’s report, in addition to exposing the bias in favor of certain political groups that the USCRIF tends to betray.

Click here to download the document.

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1 Comment

  1. Thanks for countering United States baised and ill conceived report.World over propaganda is on unilaterally as none of us feel to conter and rebutt it. Now Time is fully mature to trash such efforts to malign and malice us.

    Presently I am in London where find 1.25 billion Indians are completely off and shadowed as if this big humanity has no role in global debates and deliberations.London U.K. is pivot of world fintech and it is imperative to launch and assert the stakes of Indian masses for sustainable growth and development. For this, We have to come forth to launch our own self.

    Glad to find India Foundation is proactive in launching Indian View point in all possible fora!

    Kindly keep on your efforts vigrously.

    with best wishes.

    Rajiv Kumar Tripathi

    7 Lamourne Avenue London SW 19

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