Announcements |
April 2, 2018

India Foundation Idea Series

India Foundation Idea Series is an extension of the ‘Study Group’. The study group was planned to create a network of individuals who are aware of the foreign policy issues, events taking place across the globe and their impact on India. It was successful in creating a close knit group of individuals having similar interest and culminated into the Foreign Policy Workshop.

IF Idea Series will expand into realm of ideas which are disruptive. There are lot of individuals, scholars, entrepreneurs, activists, journalists working in varying fields. There is a wealth of knowledge that is being produced and as a premier think-thank, India Foundation aims to interact with such knowledge.

  • The ideas series will range from being a talk, conversation or presentation by invited speakers.
  • Duration of each session would be one hour.
  • Registrations for this shall close on April 20, 2018.
  • First talk in this series will take place on May 04, 2018.
  • Participation is subject to the approval of  Organising Committee


Please click here to register


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  1. I aspire to write a research-based book for you, under your commissioning. I do not find in your website any link of Book Proposal. Therefore, I cannot submit my Proposal with detailed requirements. I shall be grateful, if you kindly enlighten me about this. Regards

    Surajit Mahalanobis
    Ph.D. Scholar
    Centre for West Asian Studies
    School of International Studies
    Jawaharlal Nehru University,
    New Delhi — 110067

    Contact No : 0 98102 52954

  2. Dear Sir,
    I want to join India Foundation as volunteer & also want to attend it’s summit for economy & Finance. Pl guide the way to proceed..

    Ashwani Agarwal
    Laxmivarsha Infratech

  3. Dear sir
    I am regular student of UIET KUK and pursuing my Btech degree in mechanical engineering branch. I want to attend the upcoming events organised by India Foundation Society for enhancing our skills.

    Please add me in email group

    Thanks and Regards
    Bhushan Aggarwal

  4. Namaskar Ji,

    I want to join India (Bharat) Foundation as I have few ideas for Bharat & Bharitiya Sabhayata.

    Currently I am working on 3 thoughts.

    1. Inner Party Democracy ( Initally coined by PM Modi)
    2. Presstitution ( Paid & Baised Media)
    3. Bheem ( Abolition of caste system and counter Divide India conspiracy )

    Please suggest me the procedure and suitable time & date of our meeting.


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