Announcements |
January 5, 2018


India Foundation is organising a Conference on India-Mongolia Relations inJawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, on 9th January 2018. The theme of theConference would be “Historical Linkages, Scripts, and Literary Heritages”.

India and Mongolia are ancient lands of the ancient people of Asia. The historicand cultural collaboration between India and Mongolia is most fascinating butalong with the past, it is equally imperative to keep alive the knowledge anddocumentation of modern day collaborations between the two nations.

To look into the deeper aspect of the relationship, India Foundation incollaboration with ICCR, Jawaharlal Nehru University and Embassy of Mongolia inIndia is organising a day long conference which will discuss the followingthemes:

1)Historical Linkages

2)Scripts and literary heritage

3) Role of KushokBakula Rinpoche in shaping the India-Mongolia Relations


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